
Physical augmented reality therapy

P.A.R.T.  was a 20 week long b2b, b2c, and service design project completed as capstone for my Bachelor of Arts in Interactive Media Design exploring the future of physical therapy and augmented reality.


Post Mortem: Process & Practice

The physical therapist (PT) experience has always been a mixture of appointments and patient motivation. Clinics see an average of 100 million - 200 million patients a day. Patients wanting to lower treatment costs for long term injuries saw an average of 72% savings compared to traditional medicine. The average outpatient term PT patients is 7 - 10 sessions, yet only 35% of patients fully adhere to at-home exercises during this time.

The goal of the project was to design an end-to-end experience for both PTs and patients to improve completing at home exercises for physical therapy. We wanted to create a seamless transition for physical therapy exercises from clinics to patient homes. This included a WebXR product to guide exercises for patients at home and a web platform to track patient data for PT clinics.

The Problem:

  1. Patients felt a lack of motivation of completing at-home exercises.

  2. Physical therapists had no idea of patients’ progress data in-between visits and whether patients were keeping up with their at-home exercises.

How did we address it?

  1. We leveraged WebXR to help guide patients to complete their exercises at the comfort of their own space.

  2. We designed a web platform for PTs to help keep track of relevant patient information and their at-home exercise data Practice.

Final P.A.R.T. prototypes completed, June 2022.

Domain & Stakeholders [Context]

As P.A.R.T. is both a business to business (B2B) and business to consumer (B2C) product, there were multiple domains to consider. On the patient side (B2C), the domain of our project consisted of elderly individuals, those with cognitive impairments. From our research we found that elderly patients often struggle with remembering prescribed home exercises, leading to missed days and longer treatments plans. Patients with cognitive impairments face these challenges as well, resulting in a demographic of patients for which traditional treatment methods create significant barriers to recovery. On the physical therapist side, we took the time to speak with licensed practicing PT's to discover major pain points. We took the time to look through the most common communication practices between patients and PTs regarding home exercises programs (HEPS), which were either: emails and/or via written on paper. However, a major pain point of this methodology was that PT’s had no idea if their patients were doing the exercises correctly or if they were doing the exercises at all.

Stakeholders:The stakeholders involved in our domain included elderly individuals, and those living with cognitive impairments. Also included are physical therapists who note issues with the way patient progress is monitored today—as well as dealing with a lack of resources for struggling patients.

Market Analysis

The user research was done in primary and secondary research methods. The primary research focused on patient survey and interviews, and clinical PT interviews. The secondary research encompassed domain immersion methods, AR subject matter experts, competitive market research, and generative product user story methods.

Based on patient surveys and interviews, majority of participants felt ambivalent or unmotivated to complete at-home exercises. Furthermore, half of the participants answered that they complete the at-home exercises at a casual or not often level, despite 75% of participants agreeing with the efficacy of the exercise. Likewise physical therapist interviews have shown the lack of confidence in patient’s diligence for at-home exercise regiment adherence.

In understanding that the two user bases needed separate products, our team decided to create a side by side experience to transition between the different two products. For the patients, we decided on a WebXR product to help with guide their exercises at home, and for PTs, a way to access the exercise data in clinical settings. Post-research, my product ownership were the web portal and the overall platform experience. There are many technologies that exist in the PT space, created with the intention to serve PTs. Platforms like WebPT, Medbridge, Hep2G0, quickEMR, and PreHab, all exist and take up considerable market space. However these technologies operate solely on web and mobile platforms—therefore restricting their services to those limited platforms.

Current Technologies:
There are many technologies that exist in the PT space, created with the intention to serve PTs. Platforms like WebPT, Medbridge, Hep2G0, quickEMR, and PreHab, all exist and take up considerable market space. However these technologies operate solely on web and mobile platforms—therefore restricting their services to those limited platforms.

We learned through our research that the current workflow was a process they developed through the years and interrupting that could be an issue. This wasn't simply because their workflow was optimized, but because they had to pick and choose different systems. These systems generally consisted of EMR (electronic medical record), billing software, scheduling software, and HEP (home exercise program) libraries. Some, but not all of these, of these were built into proprietary systems, and data visualization was also lacking.

Competitive analysis completed by Jason Estrada

Physical Therapist Web Portal

We understood that the web portal for the PTs needed to encompass the data from the WebXR product while also being able to integrate patient electronic medical records (EMR) to maintain workflow. Our team took the time to explore different user flows and feature sets to see what would be plausible in our given time frame.

Once the team had a potential user flows for the overall product and a detailed information architecture, I started the design on the web portal. I took ownership of the scheduling, dashboard, messaging, and HEP library screens and user interactions. The designs were completed during second half of Q1 (sketches to high fidelity prototype).

During Q2, our team made the pivot to host video analytics of patient exercise videos, after hosting stakeholder interviews and revisiting the overall product space. We knew that we wanted to leverage the patient exercise data to help PTs make data driven decision while preparing for the patients' next visit to the clinic. We understood the privacy concerns with the pivot and took the time to explore possible tech workarounds regarding patient privacy.

P.A.R.T. System Flow, encompassing B2B and B2C facing sub-systems.

Low Fidelity Prototyping

Following the early iterations of sketching, the team split into two smaller specialized groups-one focused on the web B2B product and the other on the AR implementation. We prototyped the web product in Figma. We stepped through low, medium, and high fidelities. Shown below is a cross section from each phase; please reach out if you would like to see more.

Simultaneously, the other half of the team went through a similar process designing and prototyping for the AR B2C product. Designing in Figma in the early stages of the project, they later swapped over to WebXR in order to develop a running prototype. Shown below is a similar cross-section of work from each phase, as well as a gif of the AR interaction

Early interface concepts.

Low fidelity interface cross sections.

Mid Fidelity Prototyping

We understood that the web portal for the PTs needed to encompass the data from the WebXR product while also being able to integrate patient electronic medical records (EMR) to maintain workflow. Our team took the time to explore different user flows and feature sets to see what would be plausible in our given time frame.

Once the team had a potential user flows for the overall product and a detailed information architecture, I started the design on the web portal. I took ownership of the scheduling, dashboard, messaging, and HEP library screens
and user interactions. The designs were completed during second half of Q1 (sketches to high fidelity prototype).

High Fidelity Prototyping

During Q2, our team made the pivot to host video analytics of patient exercise videos, after hosting stakeholder interviews and revisiting the overall product space. We knew that we wanted to leverage the patient exercise data to help PTs make data driven decision while preparing for the patients' next visit to the clinic. We understood the privacy concerns with the pivot and took the time to explore possible tech workarounds regarding patient privacy.

Once the pivot was greenlighted, I oversaw the integration of the video analytics workspace and the web portal during the pivot. Based on the new feature set for the video workspace, I partnered with another interaction designer to fully breakdown the video analytics workspace interaction and used the specs to help deliver a companion video filter/tagging system.

High-fidelity interface cross sections.

Product Impact and Results

Due to project time constraints, there were limitations regarding post-design validation data. However, the product validation methodology was to leverage Microsoft product desirability methods to determine market feasibility. Based on the data, the team would've either moved forward with product launch + implementation or back into design development.

The products were also visually displayed at an exhibition. The exhibition hosted a proof-of-concept of the WebXR + Web portal product and product design artifacts to communicate the design process.

Stills from the P.A.R.T. Concept Video.

Project Management

Wyatt Olson

UX Research

Joseph Hayashi

Wyatt Olson

Christine Jahng

Jason Estrada

Service Design

Wyatt Olson

Christine Jahng

Joseph Hayashi

Interaction Design

Christine Jahng

Wyatt Olson

Jason Estrada

Visual Design

Wyatt Olson

Christine Jahng

Web XR Development

Zane Marcinyshin